sábado, dezembro 15, 2007


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On Monday of this week in Salvador, Bahia, an old lady was getting off a bus and fell, maybe it was because the bus driver didn´t fully stop. She didn´t hurt herself but when she got home she told her son, a policeman. He got in his car and drove to the end of the line to talk to the driver. Naturally he took his gun. They argued and he shot the driver and killed him. He was arrested and put in jail.

The four goons who killed Robert Dziekanski are still walking around and Elliott can´t even properly manage to limit the use of tasers. Why is this disgraceful conduct permitted? Shame on Canada.

My prayers go out for Dom Luiz Cappio, Bishop of Barra, in the 20th day of a hunger strike to try to get the official nonsense of the Rio Sao Francisco diversion stopped. They can only work with the assistance of the army to keep citizens from interfering. They have stopped temporarily but are likely to recommence on Monday.

The stupid cunts! I want to come back there and start a graffiti campaign to get cars out of cities and establish effective public transport - why is this not being done you dipshit weenies?!

Tags: Technorati sucks.