Calvin meets the Golden Toad
See just this Post & Comments / 0 Comments so far / Post a Comment /   Home"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little."
cribbed from United Online - S. Lyster, White Rock, B.C.
: Dad says that the Sun is not going out.
: He says it's colder because the orbit of the Earth is moving away from the Sun.
: He says Winter is coming.
: Isn't it sad that there are people who have such a tenuous grip on their life that they prefer to believe in some absurd illusion rather than face up to raw reality once in a while.
Calvin & Hobbes (Português), Golden Toad - Bufo periglenes.
Tags: Technorati, Bah Humbug!