Basque Peace - Alec Reid
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There have been rumbles over the year, now it looks like back to war:
06/06/07, Graham Keeley, Eta ends ceasefire and pledges terrorist campaign 'on all fronts', Source.
Sunday, April 9, 2006
A man regarded as a key figure in possible negotiations between the Spanish government and armed Basque separatists has been freed from jail. Arnaldo Otegi, leader of the banned Basque party Batasuna (political arm of ETA), was released with two others after they posted more than 650,000 euros (£450,000) in bail.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Times: The Irish priest who brought ETA killers to peace
ETA - Euzkadi Ta Askatasuna / Basque Fatherland and Liberty.
ETA's motto is Bietan Jarrai / Keep up on both, referring to the two figures in the ETA symbol, the snake, symbolizing secrecy and astuteness, wrapped around an axe, symbolizing strength.
Father Alec Reid: "The only way you can solve such conflicts is through dialogue between all participants."
Cartoon by Chappatte: OK, does anyone still remember how to play football?
The banner reads, "Nobody without rights in Basque Country."
Tags: Basque, Spain, Bietan Jarrai, Alec Reid, ETA, Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Batasuna.
Down, Thread Down: Talking to Terrorists, Robin Soans.