segunda-feira, dezembro 24, 2007

starting with Six Degrees

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Six Degrees, reviewed on RealClimate.
Mark Lynas dot Org.

Six Degrees is not well written (phrases like 'truly unique' gave me a clue), but the science is solid according to people who can judge such things, and the shift in perception that 2 degrees (which really doesn't seem like much) is about the limit.

One section that interested me is near the end, entitled 'States of Denial', which begins:
"Energy realities are not the only reason why our response to global warming has hitherto been so half-hearted. Our evolutionary psychology preconditions us not to respond to threats which can be postponed until later. We are good at mobilising for immediate battles, less good at heading off challenges which still lie far into the future. Hence the most appropriate term to describe both individual and societal responses so far is probably 'denial'."

Stabilization Wedges: Solving the Climate Problem for the Next 50 Years with Current Technologies (inaccessible source in Science).
Stabilization Wedges: Solving the Climate Problem for the Next 50 Years with Current Technologies Cambridge presentation.
Solving the Climate Problem, Socolow & Pacala.

Portland Cement ~1 kilo CO2 per kilo cement.

Methane clathrate - 500-2500 gigatonnes carbon.

Propane Refrigeration.
ThermoElectric Cooling.

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