Recycling / Reciclagem
See just this Post & Comments / 0 Comments so far / Post a Comment /   HomeSince nothing will likely be done collectively, the little that can be done will be done personally - and recycling, including the broader sense of avoiding waste, can be done personally, so.
Hard to tell about Brasilian bureaucracies ... the individuals are often engaged and committed, the organizations themselves are generally corrupt to some degree - but if I had a choice about where to spend these last days (and maybe I do), it would be in the company of such as these.
Fábrica de madeira plástica chega ao mercado brasileiro com capacidade para produzir 900 toneladas/mês, Mônica Pinto / AmbienteBrasil, Fonte / Source.
Vladimir Kudrjawzew, Reciclagem de PET no Brasil, Fonte / Source.
inpEV - Instituto Nacional de Processamento de Embalagens Vazias.
inpEV - National Institute for Processing Empty Containers.
Eloisa Biasotto Mano.
Élen Beatriz Acordi Vasques Pacheco.
Tags: what ever!