Charles Taylor - And more, and more!
See just this Post & Comments / 0 Comments so far / Post a Comment /   HomeI was waiting for this report with some anticipation. Then it came out and I looked at the summary and was dismayed: full of the leftlib jargon of correctitude, discursive, elliptical, Ai ai ai!
BUT, I am halfway or so through my second reading of A Secular Age, which is about the best thing I have come across so far in this fossicking intellectual life of mine; AND then one of my sons showed an interest, and pointed out that Taylor had won the Inamori Foundation's Kyoto Prize ... so I have gone back to have another look.
A-and of course the Kyoto connection is interesting :-)
More later maybe.
Commission website, English, French.
Rapport final version intégrale, in French.
Rapport final version abrégée, in French.
Final Version - Abridged, in English.
They say there will be a final English version, but the website looks like it is winding down, popular reception has been pretty well mum, and official reaction has been mostly negative - so it may never appear in English, who knows?
All of the documents are fucking pdfs! I have thought of converting to HTML but so far the energy for this project eludes me ...
Inamori Foundation Kyoto Prize.
Official reason: "Construction of a Social Philosophy to Pursue the Coexistence of Diverse Cultures." The Kyoto Prize Presentation Ceremony will not be held until November 10, Taylor's document may be available on-line then or shortly after.
The National Post's coverage by Graeme Hamilton, Friday, June 20, is interesting ... 'enlightened philosophy' eh? Hummm ...
McGill's Charles Taylor receives Japanese prize for his 'enlightened philosophy'
McGill University philosopher Charles Taylor, co-author of last month's report on the accommodation of Quebec cultural minorities, today won a prestigious Japanese prize worth $470,000. The international recognition comes as prominent Quebec nationalists criticize the "reasonable accommodation" report, written with fellow Quebec academic Gerard Bouchard, for failing to adequately protect Quebec's francophone majority. "Dr. Taylor has developed an enlightened philosophy that allows people of different historical, traditional and cultural backgrounds to retain their multiple identities while living together peacefully," the Inamori Foundation said in announcing the awarding of the Kyoto Prize. Two of the three prizes this year went to Canadians, with Dr. Anthony Pawson of Toronto's Mount Sinai Hospital winning for his medical research. It is the first time Canadians have been chosen for the prize, which was created in 1985 by Japanese businessman Kazuo Inamori.
Passion for Success
P is for Purpose/Profit - The purpose must profit not only the enterprise but also society; for that correct pricing is most important;
A is for Ambition - Maintain strong desire in your heart;
S is for Sincerity - Always consider how your customer feels;
S is for Strength - True strength is to have the courage to do the right thing;
I is for Innovation - Always be creative in all you do;
O is for Optimism - Maintain a cheerful, positive attitude and have a contrite heart to manage with vision and hope;
N is for Never Give Up - Have a fighting spirit and strong determination to try harder than anyone else.
Yearly Meeting of the Lords of the Earth
Every four minutes a child dies of hunger René.
Is that so? And how could we make a profit from this Bauer?
You are a cold monster and only think of money René.
Is that so? And how could we make a profit from this Bauer?
Whole thing beginning to put me in mind of The Walrus and the Carpenter:
Four other Oysters followed them,
And yet another four;
And thick and fast they came at last,
And more, and more, and more!
All hopping through the frothy waves,
And scrambling to the shore.
... remembering that the Templeton Prize was a million and a half or something, this Kyoto is another half-million, and we presume the Quebec Government paid for his time to do the report ... best paid 'Enlightened Philosopher' on the planet I'll wager - and, lest you think I am carping - More power to 'im! Good on 'im! Up the Taylor! Up the Margrave! Hei hei!