quinta-feira, março 29, 2007

Situação de Emergência - n° 09-2007

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In a nutshell the fish are dying in All Saints' Bay near Salvador, Bahia, Brazil - an area often referred to as 'paradise'.

Not too far from São Roque de Paraguaçu where a biggish Petrobras installation is located. Probably irrelevant since the bay is basically a sewer for the 2 million or so people living around it. A regular (if not condoned) practice among local "fishermen" is to use dinamite. I did find one news article about one of them who blew himself up doing it; should have kept the link ...

Salvador BahiaSalvador BahiaSalvador BahiaSalvador Bahia

14/03/07, 20 toneladas de peixe surgem mortas na praia, (Source).
26/03/07, Desastre ambiental vitima 50 toneladas de peixe na BA, (Source).
26/03/07, Tiago Décimo, Desastre ambiental mata 50 toneladas de peixe na Bahia, (Source).
26/03/07, Desastre ambiental vitima 50 toneladas de peixe na BA, (Source).
27/03/06, Ibama intensifica combate à pesca com explosivo na Bahia, (Source).
28/03/07, O Eco, Salada verde, (Source).
26/03/07, Moradores de Salinas começam a passar fome, (Source).
23/03/07, Nádya Argôlo, Fim de semana de alerta, (Source).

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