The Bride
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Ring Them Bells, Oh Mercy, 1989. For me this song echoes Revelations 3.
And time is running backwards
And so is the bride.
It seems to me that 'the bride' he is talking about is the church, viewed in some Christian circles as 'the bride of Christ.' He could have anything in mind ... this is just my notion.
And they're breaking down the distance
Between right and wrong.
A-and this sounds like ... well, just exactly what's going on eh? But it is also another of Dylan's lines that leads outwards and away into uncharted territory: what is the distance between right and wrong? what might it mean to break it down? is there a distance at all? how do you break down distance? and so on ... no certain judgements here.
: Vasconcelo Quadros, Reação parte de setores acostumados à corrupção, Source.
: Anon, B.C. Ferries reaches out-of-court deal with TSB to view ferry sinking evidence, Source.
: Scott Sutherland, Family lawyer of Ian Bush believes he was targeted by RCMP, Source.
: Gary Mason, Mind-boggling testimony leaves everyone at inquest exhausted, Source.
: Gary Mason, What delayed body's trip to morgue?, Source.
Paulo Fernando da Costa Lacerda, Diretor do Departamento de Polícia Federal. Appointed by Márcio Thomaz Bastos, ministro da Justiça.
Blogging always seems upside-down, the latest at the top; and consequently the mind has always to be ajusting perspectives through a reversing lens, because common visualizations of 'writing' or 'recording', run the other way, sort of ...
I have been thinking a lot lately about how depressing the news is; all the denial and inaction around global climate change; a Canadian boy is killed by the RCMP and it is clear that the truth is nothing-like coming out, very important questions remain unanswered; two people die when a Canadian ferry boat sinks and nothing but the silliest of political lies and transparent manipulations can be seen, on all sides!; a Brazilian cop blows the whistle on 50 generations of corruption and the government, seemingly with one voice, and including President Lula, condemns him (this is not entirely clear to me yet, I will update later - OK, I think the translation is closer now, people I talk to figgure it is just a matter of time before Lacerda is killed, or his family, or his friends, but he is from Goiana which is known as a stubborn and crafty culture ... so who knows, but this is the beginning of the end for Lula, he has basically admitted on national television that he wants the PF to keep their hands out of politics and off of politicians, doh!).
Most of the people of my aquaintance, those near and dear to me, are confused and confounded and unable to come to terms with any of it; and we all, in a sense, cave in and just get on with our lives - but carrying a heavy weight. A good friend of mine now espouses the doctrine of 'deixar' / 'let it go'; comforting at least, and ... effective maybe.
What I have come to is (just about :-) exactly what Bob sings out - Ring them bells! Not like a fire-alarm, that went off long ago and no one listened and no one came; not like blowing your horn trying to get through traffic; not even like an ambulance lost on the bridge ... when I can say what it is 'like' I will let you know. For now, dipping into Revelations 3 (a-and the Song of Songs) is probably not a bad start.
He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love.
Tags: Bride, Ring Them Bells, Oh Mercy, Revelations, Queen of the North, Ian Bush, Paul Koester, RCMP, Paulo Lacerda, Polícia Federal, Sandro Torres Avelar, Cláudio Avelar, Gilmar Mendes, Gautama, Zuleido Veras, Eliana Calmon, Antonio Fernando de Souza, Márcio Thomaz Bastos.
Why are streets and traffic always the metaphor for government ethics? Is it just because it evokes frustration and helplessness?
I'm on the pavement
Thinking about the government
Don't follow leaders
Watch the parking meters
governments have ethics? then they would also need morals, which they clearly do not have, this Canadian 'Ethics Commissioner' or whatever he is called is nothing but a nonsense make-work program for deserving whatnots and whatevers
but 'always'? ... I like this question better, when I think of government I think of plucking geese so as to minimize the hissing (Rochefoucauld?) and then, "the mill of God grinds slow but sure", and after a few minutes comes to mind, "nil desperandum carburundum illegitami" / don't let the bastards grind you down, not actually Latin I don't think ...
"on the avenue" from Tangled Up In Blue, and adopted (I think) by Joe Hall and the Continental Drift as the title of their/his first (second?) album, is more like it for highway metaphors in my book, and Highway 61 as a visualization of hell, are there highways in Dante's Divine Comedy I wonder?
I tend to think of identity relations as points and circles, making the linear and endless lines of highways into something like non-identity, dunno ...