The Gods Must be Crazy
See just this Post & Comments / 0 Comments so far / Post a Comment /   HomeCgao Coma, N!xau, N!Gau, enough different spellings of the guy's name. All I know about him is from the movie The Gods Must be Crazy. He died on Monday June 30, 2003, maybe it was Tuesday July 1 - went hunting and didn't come back, from tuberculosis - he had treatment but it was drug-resistant apparently. 59 years old (or so). Here is an obituary from the Namibian: Cgao Coma - bridging ancient and modern, (Archive).
I found these pictures of him and of his wives:
That's it. Just a small tribute to a man who gave me a lot of pleasure laughing at his movies, and a hummingbird-beakful of enlightenment finding out more about his life.
Here's a story from another diminutive man, also now dead, Herbert de Souza, Betinho:
Houve um incêndio na floresta e enquanto todos os bichos corriam apavorados, um pequeno beija-flor ia do rio para o incêndio levando gotinhas de água em seu bico. O leão, vendo aquilo, perguntou para o beija-flor: "Ô beija-flor, você acha que vai conseguir apagar o incêndio sozinho?" E o beija-flor respondeu: "Eu não sei se vou conseguir, mas estou fazendo a minha parte". |   | There was a fire in the forest and while all the animals ran in fear, a little hummingbird went from the river to the fire carrying drops of water in her beak. The lion, seeing this, asked the hummingbird, "O Hummingbird, do you think you will succeed in putting out the fire all by yourself?" And the hummingbird replied, "I do not know if I will succeed or not, but I am doing my part". |
Betinho died of AIDS (which he got through transfusions related to his haemophilia, you see ... you have to say that eh?), and may have been the originator of the notions that lead to Lula's Fome Zero - No Hunger campaign and program.
The Pope visited Auschwitz and said,"In a place like this, words fail; in the end, there can be only a dread silence, a silence which itself is a heartfelt cry to God: Why, Lord, did you remain silent? How could you tolerate all this?" Good question - theodicy (from Greek, theo, God + dike, judgement, order, right), so, defending God's goodness and justice in the face of the existence of evil, or not - the Pope seems far away and hard to see clearly.