Estatuto do PCC : Law of the PCC
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Tuesday, March 27, 2007
An excellent article discovered in Vanity Fair: William Langewiesche: Letter from São Paulo, City of Fear.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
A blanced view: Brazil’s historic test; Sue Branford at Open Democracy (Archive).
A general view of the shift to the left: Latin America's Left Turn, Jorge G. Castañeda in Foreign Affairs (Archive).
Friday, June 2, 2006
An article from the socialists; they have an obvious point of view but it is still worth reading: Brazil: The social contradictions underlying the violent eruption in Sao Paulo, (Archive).
Another lieutenant: Orlando Mota Júnior, 'Macarrão'.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Terra: Cronologia da onda de violência.





These pics are of the PCC leader, Marcos Willians Herbas Camacho, called 'Marcola'. The author of the treatise below is reported to be Mizael Aparecido da Silva, called Miza, who was killed in February of 2002 in Pentientiary 2 of President Venceslau Jail. I have been unable to find out much more about Miza. The two main lieutenants at the moment are Julinho Carambola and Gegê do Mangue.
Some acronyms: DEIC - Departamento Estadual de Investigações Criminais, CPI - Comissão Parlamentar de Inquérito do Tráfico de Armas.
This article from Spiegel, Violence in Latin America, The Mafia's Shadow Kingdom (Archive - Translation Coming Soon), Technorati Discussion, is a typical northern view I think; bourgeois, myopic, and terribly frightened of the 'left'. (I would say that Lula's left, red star and all, is quite a fair bit right of Mao or even Sub-Comandante Marcos, but that's another story.)
Global Voices Discussions.
When I was in Rio the Comando Vermelho was in the news from time-to-time and I thought that it was nothing more than gangsters putting on airs, a twisted kind of homage to the Red Brigades of the 70s, or maybe the Khmer Rouge - anything with 'red' in it. I still think that way - the gangsters do not really have any ideology beyond survival. Nonetheless several manifestos have shown up in the Brasilian press, the one below by the PCC and another from the Comando Revolucionário Brasileiro da Criminalidade - CBRC (Archive).
It begins to look like a manifesto competition. I doubt many of these guys can write well enough to put such a thing together, and I doubt many of their members can read it. At roughly 3/4 functional illiteracy Brasil's culture is more oriented to sights and sounds - no disrespect intended. I was just wondering who these manifestos are meant for? I think they are done to puff and preen for the press and the police/political machinery. If you have watched Cidade de Deus, or Ônibus 174, or Carandiru you may have picked up that some measure of what goes on in these gangs is establishing a "visible identity" for otherwise entirely marginalized and invisible men - keep in mind that the oppression, torture, rape, and so on is the way it is in Brasilian jails. Then maybe the manifesto gets picked up by someone like Jens Glüsing who wrote the Spiegel article; and by a commodious vicus of recirculation you wind up with a Brasilian version of the Sendero Luminoso / Shining Path. A couple'a Maoists read about it on the net and decide to slide in there and organize their Brasilian brothers.
Encontrei isso no Folha Online. |   | I found this at: Folha Online. |
1. Lealdade, respeito, e solidariedade acima de tudo ao Partido. |   | 1. Loyalty, respect, and solidarity to the Party above all. |
2. A Luta pela liberdade, justiça e paz. |   | 2. The Struggle for liberty, justice and peace. |
3. A união da Luta contra as injustiças e a opressão dentro das prisões. |   | 3. The alliance of the Struggle against the injustices and oppression inside prisons. |
4. A contribuição daqueles que estão em Liberdade com os irmãos dentro da prisão através de advogados, dinheiro, ajuda aos familiares e ação de resgate. |   | 4. The contribution of those who are at Liberty with the brothers inside the prison through lawyers, money, support of relatives, and rescue action. |
5. O respeito e a solidariedade a todos os membros do Partido, para que não haja conflitos internos, porque aquele que causar conflito interno dentro do Partido, tentando dividir a irmandade será excluído e repudiado do Partido. |   | 5. Respect and solidarity to all Party members, so that there will not be internal conflicts, because whoever causes internal conflict inside the Party, trying to divide the brotherhood will be excluded and rejected by the Party. |
6. Jamais usar o Partido para resolver conflitos pessoais, contra pessoas de fora. Porque o ideal do Partido está acima de conflitos pessoais. Mas o Partido estará sempre Leal e solidário à todos os seus integrantes para que não venham a sofrerem nenhuma desigualdade ou injustiça em conflitos externos. |   | 6. Never to use the Party to resolve personal conflicts, against outside people. Because the ideal of the Party is above personal conflicts. But the Party will always be Loyal and committed to all of its members so that they may not come to suffer any inequity or injustice in external conflicts. |
7. Aquele que estiver em Liberdade "bem estruturado" mas esquecer de contribuir com os irmãos que estão na cadeia, serão condenados à morte sem perdão. |   | 7. Any who may be at Liberty 'well established' but who forget to contribute to the brothers in cells, will be condemned to death without pardon. |
8. Os integrantes do Partido tem que dar bom exemplo à serem seguidos e por isso o Partido não admite que haja assalto, estupro e extorsão dentro do Sistema. |   | 8. The members of the Party have to set a good example if they are to be followed and for this the Party will not allow that there be assault, rape and extortion inside the System. |
9. O partido não admite mentiras, traição, inveja, cobiça, calúnia, egoísmo, interesse pessoal, mas sim: a verdade, a fidelidade, a hombridade, solidariedade e o interesse como ao Bem de todos, porque somos um por todos e todos por um. |   | 9. The party does not tolerate lies, treason, envy, greed, slander, selfishness, personal interest, but yes: truth, loyalty, dignity, solidarity and the interests of the Good of all, because we are one for all and all for one. |
10. Todo integrante tem que respeitar a ordem e a disciplina do Partido. Cada um vai receber de acordo com aquilo que fez por merecer. A opinião de Todos será ouvida e respeitada, mas a decisão final será dos fundadores do Partido. |   | 10. Every member must respect the order and discipline of the Party. Each one will receive in accordance with whatever he did to deserve it. The opinion of All will be heard and respected, but the final decision will be by the founders of the Party. |
11. O Primeiro Comando da Capital PCC fundado no ano de 1993, numa luta descomunal e incansável contra a opressão e as injustiças do Campo de concentração "anexo" à Casa de Custódia e Tratamento de Taubaté, tem como tema absoluto a "Liberdade, a Justiça e Paz". |   | 11. The First Command of the Capital PCC founded in the year of 1993, amid an enormous and tireless struggle against oppression and the injustices of a concentration Camp 'annex' at the House of Custody and Treatment of Taubaté, holds as absolute principles "Liberty, Justice and Peace." |
12. O partido não admite rivalidades internas, disputa do poder na Liderança do Comando, pois cada integrante do Comando sabe a função que lhe compete de acordo com sua capacidade para exercê-la. |   | 12. The party does not tolerate internal rivalries, disputes about the power of the Leadership of the Command, so each member of the Command knows the function that he competes for according to his ability to do it. (?) |
13. Temos que permanecer unidos e organizados para evitarmos que ocorra novamente um massacre semelhante ou pior ao ocorrido na Casa de Detenção em 02 de outubro de 1992, onde 11 presos foram covardemente assassinados, massacre este que jamais será esquecido na consciência da sociedade brasileira. Porque nós do Comando vamos mudar a prática carcerária, desumana, cheia de injustiças, opressão, torturas, massacres nas prisões. |   | 13. We must remain united and organized so that we may avoid new massacres similar or worse than those at the House of Detention on the 2nd of October in 1992, where 11 (111?) prisoners were cowardly killed, that massacre that will never be forgotten by the conscience of brazilian society. Because we of the Command are going to change the practice of incarceration, inhuman, full of injustices, oppression, turtures, massacres in the prisons. |
14. A prioridade do Comando no montante é pressionar o Governador do Estado à desativar aquele Campo de Concentração "anexo" à Casa de Custódia e Tratamento de Taubaté, de onde surgiu a semente e as raízes do comando, no meio de tantas lutas inglórias e a tantos sofrimentos atrozes. |   | 14. The increasing priority of the Command is to press the State Governor to decommission that Concentration Camp "annex" of the House of Detention and Treatment at Taubaté, whence grew the seed and the roots of the command, in the midst of such inglorious struggles and with so much atrocious suffering. |
15. Partindo do Comando Central da Capital do KG do Estado, as diretrizes de ações organizadas simultâneas em todos os estabelecimentos penais do Estado, numa guerra sem trégua, sem fronteira, até a vitória final. |   | 15. Leaving (?) the Central Command of the Capital of KG (?) of the State, the instructions (?) of simultaneous organized actions in all of the State penal establishments, in a war without respite, without border, until the final victory. |
16. O importante de tudo é que ninguém nos deterá nesta luta porque a semente do Comando se espalhou por todos os Sistemas Penitenciários do estado e conseguimos nos estruturar também do lado de fora, com muitos sacrifícios e muitas perdas irreparáveis, mas nos consolidamos à nível estadual e à médio e longo prazo nos consolidaremos à nível nacional. Em coligação com o Comando Vermelho - CV e PCC iremos revolucionar o país dentro das prisões e nosso braço armado será o Terror "dos Poderosos" opressores e tiranos que usam o Anexo de Taubaté e o Bangu I do Rio de Janeiro como instrumento de vingança da sociedade na fabricação de monstros. |   | 16. The [most] important of all is that no one will stop this struggle because the seed of Command has spread throughout the Pentitentiary Systems of the state and we are also succeeding in establishing ourselves on the outside, with many sacrifices and irreparable losses, but we consolidate at the state level and in the medium and long term we will consolidate at the national level. In coalition with the Red Command - CV and PCC we will revolutionize the country inside the prisons and our strong arm will be the Terror "of the Powerful" oppressors and tyrants who use the Taubaté Annex and Bangu 1 in Rio de Janeiro as instruments of vengeance of (?) society by making monsters. |
Conhecemos nossa força e a força de nossos inimigos Poderosos, mas estamos preparados, unidos e um povo unido jamais será vencido. |   | We know our strength and the strength of our Powerful enemies, but we are prepared, united and a united people will never be beaten. |
O Quartel General do PCC, Primeiro Comando da Capital, em coligação com Comando Vermelho CV. |   | The Headquarters of the PCC, First Command of the Capital, in alliance with the Red Command CV. |
Tags: Brasil, Brazil, PCC, São Paulo, Marcola, Comando Vermelho, CV, CBRC, Guerra Urbana, William Langewiesche.
O que mais me impressiona é a organização que eles têm. Com leis, cargos e destinação de verbas bem definidos. É um Estado dentro do "Estado" chamado Brasil.
Bonito seu gesto de traduzir o texto, é bom mesmo que o mundo saiba o que está acontecendo aqui, pois só quando o mundo soube o que a Alemanha fazia com os judeus é que tomaram alguma atitude mais séria. Quem sabe nos lendo, se envergonhem e parem de fingir que isto não existe aqui no nosso país?!
Um abraço
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this is an anarchist blog - i don't give a rat's ptuie for whatever licences, do what you will.