quinta-feira, novembro 30, 2006


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Did I say all this before? Is the world goin' backwards and so is the bride?

Someone and someone were down by the pond
Looking for something to plant in the lawn.
Out in the fields they were turning the soil
I'm sitting here hoping this water will boil
When I look through the windows and out on the road
They're bringing me presents and saying hello.

Singing words, words between the lines of age.
Words, words between the lines of age.
If I was a junkman selling you cars,
Washing your windows and shining your stars,
Thinking your mind was my own in a dream
What would you wonder and how would it seem?
Living in castles a bit at a time
The King started laughing and talking in rhyme.

Singing words, words between the lines of age.
Words, words between the lines of age.

      Neil Young, Words, Harvest - 1972.

I always thought it was 'lines of H' - did I say all this before?

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New York Times - Global Warming Goes to Court.

Real Climate - Supreme Court Amicus Curiae From Scientists.

Brief of Amici Curiae Climate Scientists: David Battisti, Christopher Field, Inez Fung, James E. Hansen, John Harte, Eugenia Kalnay, Daniel Kirk-Davidoff, James C. McWilliams, Jonathan T. Overpeck, F. Sherwood Rowland, Joellen Russell, Scott R. Saleska, John M. Wallace, And Steven C. Wofsy in support of Petitioner. Damned ADOBE Acrobat .pdf shite! - I will reformat more accessibly in the Archive after a while.

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