P.D. James, The Lighthouse
See just this Post & Comments / 2 Comments so far / Post a Comment /   HomeMy brother-in-law used to read P.D. James - a lawyer thing maybe; usually I don't, but on long flights she sometimes works and this little gem struck me as I was finishing it off tonight (though why she slipped 'detected' in there? ... dunno):
Unhappiness, she thought, is a contagion. You carry the smell of it as you carry the detected stink of a dreaded illness.
Kate Miskin, Book 4, Chapter 11.
There is no moral here, nor any particularly intentional montage - just a few things on my mind.
A-and they hung Saddam, expeditiously; though what his death proves I don't know. Are hangmen and other official killers any better than thugs?
Ana and I were walking to the beach on New Year's eve talking about this. Suddenly there was a scuffle on the other side of the street in which one of the lads had a handgun. So we hurried. Talking to the other people who had seen it, looking for a policeman, not to tell mind you, just looking. It was that close - and I had been about to cross over because the other side was less congested. And Saddam was forgotten. Offerings made to Iemanjá; candles, cheap champagne, white gladiolas. Fireworks in the rain. Too many beers. Nowhere to pee. We came home soaked, laughing.
Tags: PD James, Lighthouse, Kate Miskin, Saddam Hussein.
Melly Vancouver Christmas to ya, cowboy, and a Bon Bon Nouveau Year.
-Meatball One
Glad to hear you laughing. All the Best.