Two Nuclear Thoughts
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Globe: ... Nuclear issues ..., Originals: Nuclear plan skips key green review, Editorial: Why Ontario is smart to back nuclear power.
It is not that they are going ahead with this, it is the way they are going ahead. With all the nonsense being spouted by James Lovelock and his ilk, people will soon forget what is really at stake, and lose all perspective. Sometime in the future when the bill comes due perspective won't matter.
They could have put Conservation and Renewable Energy first, using the downsides of coal and gas and nuclear power generation to justify tough measures. I say 'they' advisedly; I am truly disheartened.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
on Nuclear Proliferation in Iran:
Christian Science Monitor: Bush's approaching endgame with Iran, (Archive). I thought the article made sense is all. And this one: Spiegel: Iran's Nuclear Conflict, China Ready to Lean on Iran, (Archive), discussion.
on Fixed-Price contracting of Nuclear Power plants in Ontario:
Globe, June 13: Ontario shopping for fixed-price reactors, (Archive).
Globe, June 14: Public deserves a debate on the energy strategy, (Archive).
Contracting turnkey Nuclear Power Plants on a fixed-price basis? Think about it. Fixed-price means if it's not in the contract you don't get it. Is Nuclear Technology fully mature then? They also want delivery on-time. I can see rooms full of engineers working all-night to Get it DONE! Make it WORK! I can see Project Managers running around with whips screaming "WE ARE LOSING MONEY ON THIS!", and "Mitigate!, Mitigate!"
The Canadian Federal Government is going to deliver something on-Budget and on-Time? And it is going to work? Another Gun Registry maybe?
Oh yeah, it's not the Canadian government per-se, it is AECL, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, which is a Crown Corporation eh? Theoretically at arm's-length but not really. Anyway, it is the same people.
Globe, June 14: Nuclear is a less risky choice, (Archive).
These are the arguments that will be trotted out, by quite reputable people like Marcus Gee; basically saying 'it is the lesser evil'; neglecting to consider that the 'need' which these daemons will purportedly serve is not a need at all, but mere laziness, concupiscence, refusal to think, the rest of the Seven Deadly and how-some-ever-many Venial. "The Devil made me do it!"
We are doomed!
Even probably be one of those biblical doom-ings that goes on for generations. Old Testament stuff: Exodus 20:5 and 34:7, and Deuteronomy 5:9 (Oh no! not Deuteronomy again!) - visiting the iniquity of the fathers (and mothers no doubt) upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.
OK then, bring on PETA and Greenpeace; get wazzername, Pamela Anderson, Brigitte Bardot, and that whole McCartney crew, Heather the mouth, Paris Hilton. We can at least have some nude entertainment since we have front row seats.
Waddabout those naked cyclists last weekend? World Naked Bike Ride to support getting off oil in favour of Renewable Energy. They have a glossy calendar. There are the related Solstice Naked Cyclists as well. Then there is Spencer Tunnick, and the whole nude protest enchilada.
Oh and by the way, if you look very closely you will see the odd fat old-fart on these bike rides too, maybe next year.
Tags: Nuclear, Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Power, Canada, Ontario, Darlington, America, Iran, Proliferation, Greenpeace, PETA, Naked, Boobage.