Gertrude Kearns
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Herself; four images of Romeo Dallaire; and two of Lewis MacKenzie:
Images on-line at: CCCA - Centre for Contemporary Canadian Art, Carleton University, Ottawa, and Kingston Prize Gallery.
What look to me like authentic visions, tho' there is room for doubt. Dallaire did not 'sit' for these portraits, they were cobbled up out of photographs and such; and listening to the interview (below) I see that she is prone to some of the failings of too-literary too-literate sentences about art, could even be Toronto correctitude raising its ugly head. All that said, the images touch me, something authentic gets through ...
Background on Rwanda: CBC Archives (including an interview with Gertrude).
Dallaire has recovered; I think his wife Elizabeth deserves a lot of credit, I bet it was not an easy row to hoe. They have made him a Senator now - maybe it will all go to his head, who knows? God bless them both. One thing is clear - if Baril and Anan and soooo many others had listened to Dallaire at the time, it could have been stopped.
William Shabas, Alison Desforges, Ed Broadbent, Ingvar Carlsson, Maurice Baril, Peter Raymont.
Shake Hands With The Devil.
Listening to a tape of Dallaire today when he said something that rang true - that there is no need to wait for the United Nations to get it together, it is possible to funnel support directly to the African Union (AU) forces already in Darfur. Why are we not doing that?
Background on Somalia: CBC Archives.
Tags: Canada, Gertrude Kearns, Rwanda, Romeo Dallaire, Afghanistan, Lewis MacKenzie, Somalia, Shidane Arone, Clayton Matchee, Kyle Brown, Darfur.