terça-feira, outubro 03, 2006

On the Avenue, too

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Thursday - Hinton foothills:
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Radio: There is CBC if you like to hear the same left-lib feminist ranting over and over and over as you drive along - it is OK the first time ... but it very soon pales. In Alberta they have CKUA which is actually available at one frequency throughout the province (580 AM), does not repeat and repeat, and presents interesting up-to-date music and intelligent talk by people (even men!) who sound like they can spell - what a pleasure!

The only thing close to this that I have heard was CHMR from the MUN (Memorial University of Newfoundland) students. Unfortunately this one is barely audible even within greater St. John's.

Click to Enlarge / Click para AumentarAs I was leaving Edmonton CKUA played a cut from Ellen McIlwaine's CD Mystic Bridge. Wow - a voice full of authentic orgasms! I can't find a play list anywhere so I don't know the name of the song she was singing. Big surprise this morning as I look her up on the net - she is white! Ai ai ai, she is playing in Vancouver tonight and I am too far away to make it. Beleza!

Rush Hour: Newfies take note that rush hour in Edmonton is well under-way by 7:00 AM, unlike the 9:00 AM start in St. John's - does this give you a clue?

Wednesday - Canada Geese (& friends) @ Lashburn Saskatchewan:
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Click to Enlarge / Click para Aumentar

Tuesday - The Lake Superior horizon from the Terry Fox memorial in Thunder Bay:
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Click to Enlarge / Click para AumentarMonday - It used to be that you would see the odd one of these, inuk-shuks, now they are on every outcropping of every rock cut on the trans-canada highway. Unfortunately you can hardly see it for the background rock; I mistook the vine necklace for barbed wire - which is why I stopped for this particular one. What does that say? Also looking at the photo I see that it sorta has breasts - didn't notice that at the time, must'a bin subliminal.

I don't know who is building them - I saw a total of one hitch-hiker this trip - unless people drive out there specifically to build them?

(Thierry le Gouès)
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