Dorothy Stang, February 12, 2005
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15/05/07, Agência JB, Caso Dorothy: fazendeiro é condenado a 30 anos
BELÉM - Terminou por volta das 16h55 desta terça-feira a sessão do julgamento do fazendeiro Vitalmiro Bastos de Moura, conhecido como "Bida". Ele foi condenado a 30 anos de prisão sob a acusação de ser o mandante do assassinato da missionária americana Dorothy Mae Stang, na época com 73 anos, ocorrido no município de Anapu, no oeste do Pará, em fevereiro de 2005. O caso ganhou repercussão mundial e o julgamento foi acompanhado pela imprensa nacional e internacional, além de organizações ligadas à terra e direitos humanos.
Um forte esquema de segurança foi montado para o julgamento. Vinte e cinco homens, entre militares e guardas judiciários estão dispostos dentro e fora do prédio.
Monday February 12 2007
12/02/07, Comitê Dorothy, Dois anos da morte de irmã Dorothy Stang.
12/02/07, Verena Glass, Dois anos sem Dorothy.
Comitê Dorothy - em defesa da vida.
Dois anos da morte de irmã Dorothy Stang.
Nova Esperança - em defesa da vida
Maybe I am learning how to be personal without giving it all away, maybe not; maybe you can call it 'Blogging with Grace'.
There is an old guy there, looks like Rodney Dangerfield, knows me now, smiles and gives me thumbs up sometimes; he comes in about the same time as I do, has a few caiprinhas, and then staggers off with his cane across the street (going home I imagine) and the barman sees all this and the old guy takes his arm (at the last possible second) to be guided through the traffic. And coming back the barman doesn't look left or right; it is yea yea, nay nay; and these small acts of kindness (albeit there is self-interest there too) touch me more deeply than tears.
I cannot do large integrations in my mind anymore, maybe I never could. Now, small partial truths absorb my interest. Tau, the divine proportion, which H.S.M. Coxeter called 'a fascinating tendency' is more with me than 1+1=2. So it goes. Grandmothers paint the world with the one-sided brush of optimism and possibility and dignity and all the rest - meanwhile the world is so horrid that most of its people are so miserable they cannot smile, anyone knows that; but grandmothers (and grandfathers too) carry on unreal, a fascinating tendency indeed.
The strains of the Nutcracker Suite coming from next door, and tonight a little girl with golden lace tripping along the sidewalk with her mother after ballet class. And the words of a minor poet, ee cummings, "staggered, banged by a billion trillion stars" enter my mind like spring rain.
OK, could be a stupid son of the bourgeois middle class, knowing nothin' 'bout nothin', good for nothin', trying to stay drunk enough to be happy and managing it several times a week in a plastic chair at a plastic table at the Nova Esperança.
Encantada; directly - 'enchanted'. And there is that northern sibilant 'ch', and in the Português, hard consonants, no snakes ... There you are. There was another example but I forgot.
When i came in tonight there were two young girls eating, scarfing it up like they were really hungry, one with a baby, both of them looking more like 'favela' than 'asfalto'. I think it was the barman giving away a bit, can't be sure, maybe I will live long enough to find out. So I smiled at them; a complicated smile - encantada mesmo!
Obrigado Senhor pelo isso dia tão bonito. Estejam bons irmãs, irmões, amigos.
Tags: Dorothy Stang, Nova Esperança, Rodney Dangerfield.
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