Mike Frastacky
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From the Globe: (Archive)
Globe, July 27 2006, Mark Hume, After building Afghan school, B.C. humanitarian shot dead.
Globe, July 28 2006, Editorial, Mike Frastacky's work.
I didn't know the guy, all I know about it is in the story. Not much to add except that the moral may not be what it seems. They came looking for him at night, beat his driver and bodyguard, put him in the bathtub and shot him. I wonder they were not concerned with richochets, probably not a cast-iron tub. His last few moments were horrific, no doubt about it.
God bless him.
Tags: Afghanistan, Canada, Mike Frastacky.
Michael Frastacky was my step father. I still cannot believe all that has happend but I would like to say, on behalf of myself and my mother, that we appreciate all the wonderful comments people have made about a man who was so significant in my early years. He did not deserve an end such as he got but perhaps out of it will come inspiration for others to take up his cause and assist those they do not know, in places that need assistance most. Not hand outs, but hands up to become more than the are fated to become without a strangers help.